The Citroën AMI is a real success in Italy where it has already sold more than 5,000 units since its launch. To build on this success, Citroën has launched an educational campaign called GënerationAMi which allows young people to learn about electric mobility in order to promote sustainable development. Today, Citroën is launching the second phase of this campaign with the desire to train young people and make them aware of the challenges of sustainable and electric driving.
The project, sponsored by the Ministry of Ecological Transition and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility and in line with the objectives of the United Nations 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development, is aimed at secondary school students and has been strongly supported by Citroën to be close to the new generations.
The first phase of the campaign, launched last March, was a great success, involving more than 700 classes and 17,000 students across the country. In the wake of these important results, Citroën has launched a second edition of the project, which will affect central and southern Italy, starting from the island of La Maddalena, where the brand is already present with the "Citroën drive La Maddalena electric". The tour will then stop in the cities of Olbia, Bologna, Florence, Naples, Rome, Salerno, Taranto and Matera, for a total of ten schools involved, where children can learn about the secrets of electric driving thanks to to training and test sessions with the Citroën AMI.
Alessandro Musumeci, Marketing Director of Citroën Italy, said: “We believed in this project from the start and the success achieved in the first phase confirms our expectations. We are convinced that adequate training in environmental sustainability issues is essential to provide new generations with the tools they need to become responsible citizens. Citroën Ami - 100% ëlectric is the ideal protagonist of this educational campaign because it represents the easy and non-conformist solution for emission-free mobility, even for the youngest, aged 14 and over”.
Managed and developed in collaboration with NEWAYS, a communication and educational project company, the GënerationAMI initiative was rewarded in May at the "CEOforLIFE Awards Italia 2022" ceremony. Marco Antonini, head of the Citroën Italy brand, received the prestigious award for a successful campaign that adds to the "Respect me" project, against bullying and cyberbullying carried out in collaboration with Skuola.net, launched on last year and still featuring the Citroën Ami, confirming the ongoing commitment of the Citroën brand in schools and with younger generations.
The educational project of "GënerationAMI - a school of electric mobility" is developed in two ways: the first consists of sending all participating classes a digital educational kit, to raise awareness among young people on extremely topical subjects such as environmental sustainability , electric mobility and quality of life. The issues addressed in the kit and supported by Citroën are in line with the Objectives of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development and in particular Objective 7 “Clean and accessible energy” and Objective 11 “Sustainable cities and communities”. Inside the kit there is also a final questionnaire, through which students test their learning on the content of the project and receive a certificate of participation which entitles them to obtain training credits. On this first phase of the project alone, the development of this questionnaire also allowed students to participate in the GënerationAMI Prize Competition which offered a free 6-month loan to a winner drawn at random from among all the participants, having answered correctly to the questions as well as a voucher of 500 € for the purchase of technological tools for the winner's school.
The project is completed by a tour of ten meetings in the schools participating in the initiative, to deepen the secrets of electric driving, with the possibility of carrying out tests on board AMI accompanied by professional drivers directly in the courtyard or car park of the institute. Teachers, students and parents can always keep up to date and learn more about the project by visiting the website www.generationami.it