With AMI, Citroën has a conquest tool that allows it to highlight positive values. After the first two editions of AMI, in which electric mobility was explained, Citroën is extending GenerationAMI to sport.
The second edition of "Generation Ami - at the School of Electric Mobility" concluded in 2022 with extraordinary success. The educational campaign on electric and sustainable mobility, aimed at raising awareness of current issues among new generations, involved more than 25,000 students aged 14 to 18 from secondary schools all over Italy. Due to the high value of its content, the initiative was sponsored by the current Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, and the project promoter, Citroën Italia, received the CEOforLIFE Awards 2022 in May 2022.
"GënerationAMI - a school of electric mobility", with the contribution of NEWAYS, a communication and education project company, was developed in two different ways: the first consisted in sending to all 1,075 classes, members of a network, a digital educational kit whose aim is to raise awareness among the youngest of the issues in line with the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, such as environmental sustainability, electric mobility and quality of life (Goal 7 Clean energy accessible; Goal 11 Sustainable cities and communities). Inside the kit, there are 6 educational sheets that go into more detail on the above-mentioned topics, more specifically on the following chapters "United for a better future: the UN 2030 Agenda", "sos cities: pollution and air quality",
The second mode brings children and electric vehicles into the field: a real educational path is born, made up of 20 stages. The 20 training sessions took place in selected educational establishments participating in the initiative: on this occasion, Citroën Italia instructors gave real engaging lessons to discover the secrets of electric driving with boys and girls. In addition, pupils were able to test drive 100% electric Citroën Amis, supplied by local dealers, accompanied by professional drivers, in school playgrounds, recording an exceptional number of vehicle tests: 2,195 road tests involving young people aged 14 to 19, their teachers and headmasters.
Given the great success of the educational campaign in schools, "GënerationAMI" is broadening its horizons and will continue its educational journey in 2023 by transforming itself into "GënerationAMI - electric mobility for sport", maintaining the two ministerial patronages and adding the collaboration with the National Basketball League and its 10,000 registered athletes aged 14 to 18. Through the sponsorship of 20 sports clubs, the awareness-raising campaign is reaching out to young sportsmen and women in gyms and playgrounds.
Sports clubs from various disciplines are involved, including football, volleyball, basketball, judo, rugby and tennis. Specifically involved in this project are Naples Tennis Academy, Alba Volley Asd from Alba (CN), Asd Aurelia Antica Aurelio from Rome, Asd Carbonia Calcio from Carbonia (SS), Asd Franco Selvaggi from Matera, Asd Mojazza from Milan, Asd Olbia Rugby 1982, Asd Volleyball Portogruaro (VE), Asd Polisportiva Gossolengo (PC), Asd Polisportiva San Giacomo di Novara, Asd Universal Solaro (MI), Libertas Livorno 1947, Asd Basketball Castelfranco 1952 (TV), Basketball Trieste, Romagnano Calcio Asd di Massa, Settimo Calcio 1912 from Settimo Torinese (TO), Angiulli Gymnastics Society from Bari, Ssd Verona Volleyball, Tennis Club Match Ball from Syracuse and US Esperia Volleyball from Cremona.
The format of the project remains unchanged from the school editions. More than 11,500 athletes will also receive the digital kit to learn more about zero-emission electric urban mobility for the benefit of the environment, public health and driving comfort. The kit also includes a final questionnaire that will allow the students to test their knowledge of the project's contents and, at the end of the compilation, to receive a certificate of participation that will allow them to obtain educational credits in accordance with the Scholastic Institute.
As with the edition reserved for schools, this questionnaire also allows participants to take part in the GënerationAMI prize draw, which offers one winner, drawn at random from all the participants, a free 6-month loan of a Citroën AMI and, for the reference sports club, a €500 voucher to purchase useful equipment for the sports hall. In September 2022, for the next six months, the Citroën AMI reserved for the school competition will be delivered to Simone G., a pupil from Milan, who is delighted with the prize and will use it for most of her trips around the city and to school.
Around 2,000 children from the participating sports clubs wear Citroën uniforms and the playgrounds are decorated with banners and flags from the initiative. The sports clubs and Citroën Italia become the promoters of the growth and awareness of new generations. Close collaboration with local dealers, who closely follow the coaches and athletes, is also fundamental to this new role of GënerationAMI.
Finally, during training, the car parks of the various sports halls will be enriched and coloured by the large inflatable pavilion, a playful photo point with the hashtag #gënerationAMI and an ad hoc track to test yourself on board the Citroën Ami.
Athletes, coaches and parents can stay informed and find out more about the project on the www.generationami.it website.
Thanks to major educational projects such as GënerationAMI or Respect AMI, with which the brand has tackled the serious and topical issue of bullying and cyberbullying, Citroën is continuing its approach with schools and students. to help create a new generation that is aware of environmental sustainability and civil coexistence.