AMI has undoubtedly been a great success for Citroën, with more than 30,000 orders since its launch, including 10,000 in Italy and 1,000 in Belgium. Today, Citroën is launching AMI in a new European country, as it is now available in Luxembourg..
After France, Italy, Spain, Portugal and even the United Kingdom, this is yet another European country that AMI intends to conquer in the hope of repeating the success it has enjoyed in all these countries.
For Luxembourg, the AMI range will be identical to that offered in France, namely an entry-level version called AMI AMI, to which will be added My AMI Color (orange, grey, blue), My AMI Pop and the new version My AMI Tonic, as well as the Cargo version for professionals. It is therefore a complete range that Citroën is offering in Luxembourg with orders already being taken directly via the brand's website https://store.citroen.lu/ami.
The AMI range starts at €7,790 for the basic version and goes up to €8,990 for the My AMI Tonic version, prices identical to those in France, with one significant difference: Citroën does not offer long-term rental in Luxembourg. Given the success of AMI, Citroën is transparent and indicates a delivery time of 28 weeks for each AMI order, i.e. 7 months... so be patient.