In June, Citroën clarified its positioning by stating its intention to remain the popular brand, maintaining the positioning initiated in 2016 with the launch of the third-generation C3. A few weeks later, Citroën is delivering on its accessible brand promise by significantly extending its successful C3 You offer, available from €99 per month.
Citroën scored a major coup in France in June by offering the C3 You from €99 per month, which enabled the brand to record a record number of orders during the Open Days event held that month. Since then, this offer has been maintained and continues to allow Citroën to attract a significant number of customers to its dealerships, attracted by this hyper-accessible offer.
In the last three months, the brand has focused its attention on the electric versions with very competitive offers, in particular on the ëC4, which is available for less than €30,000, bonus deducted, or from €199 per month, which again has a significant impact on the control of the electric compact sedan.
Following the launch of a new Easy Go rental offer in Italy for the C4 and C4
Thus, the brand announces a blow on the C3, long favourite car of Belgian motorists, making it accessible from 99€/month, the same offer as in France, hoping that this offer meets the same success as on the national market. This C3 offer at €99/month is made up of a deposit of €4,863 followed by 60 rental payments of €99 each with a final payment of €5,162. This makes the C3 particularly attractive, but only for a limited period, the offer being highlighted for the Open Days organised in Belgium from 11 to 16 September.
The brand is also launching major promotions on the Polish market, without giving details, and is inviting consumers to its dealerships to find out more. In any case, the brand is more combative in France, but also in other European countries such as Belgium or Italy, as well as in Portugal, where Citroën has also made very competitive offers in recent months, particularly on the C4. Recent component shortages and logistical difficulties have affected manufacturers and Citroën has not been spared, but faced with a situation where consumers are becoming more cautious, leading to a 15% drop in orders for the entire French market (all brands), Citroën is putting in place the means to win back consumers with good results in terms of recent orders, which will be felt in the coming weeks. Let's hope that this combativeness in Europe will produce the same results in France, so that the brand can regain its level.