The German market also recovered in March, with an increase in sales of 16.6% for 281,361 units sold, one of the weakest increases among the various European markets, making up for the losses recorded in March 2022, although its level is still weak compared to 2019, with a fall of 18.57%. Electric vehicles continue their breakthrough with an increase in sales of 28% for 44,125 units sold, bringing their market share to 15.7%.
In this context, sales of the
ALFA ROMEO, up 150.7% to 534 units for a market share of 0.2%.
CITROËN, up 5.1% to 4,028 units for a market share of 1.4%; and
DS up 34.1% to 224 units for a market share of 0.1%.
FIAT were up 1.7% to 8,190 units for a market share of 2.9%.
JEEP were down 25.9% to 1,032 units for a market share of 0.4%.
MASERATI are 135 units
OPEL up 12.8% to 13,317 units for a market share of 4.7%.
PEUGEOT were up 30.2% to 4,879 units for a market share of 1.7%.
Overall, Stellantis' sales increased by 10.7% to 32,339 units, giving it a market share of 11.49%. The group thus performed slightly worse than the market as a whole, with contrasting results depending on the brand, oscillating between an increase for Peugeot and a sharp decline for Jeep. For its part, Citroën is up 5%, a small increase, but the brand had performed better in March 2022 than the other brands in the group.