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Writer's pictureJérémy

Citroën consolidates its position as the 2nd favourite brand of the French

Le logo Citroën revu en 2022

Citroën has a special place in the hearts of the French, as many of its legendary models have accompanied generations of French people, so it comes as no surprise that the brand is very high on the list of favourite brands of the French, especially in the latest barometer, where Citroën confirms its positive trend and gains a place in the overall ranking.

The Posternak/Ifop barometer, which is conducted every three months on a sample of 1,004 people, makes it possible to measure French consumers' love for national brands and their behaviour towards them. In the last barometer, published in December 2023, Citroën was the second favourite car brand of the French, ranking 6th ahead of Danone, Macif and Renault.

The most recent Posternak barometer, published in March 2024, confirms the recovery that the brand has been experiencing for several months. In fact, Citroën consolidates its position as the second most favoured car brand by the French, gaining 1 point in this latest barometer with an image index of 61 points, including a very good image for 12% of respondents, an increase of 1 point compared to the last survey, and a good image for 66% of respondents, i.e. a good image rate of 78%, which is still quite remarkable. What is even more interesting is that, thanks to this excellent performance, Citroën is now in fifth place on the list of the most popular brands in France, behind Yves Rocher, Peugeot, Intermarché and Michelin, thus consolidating its position as the most popular brand in France.

Citroën's progress is less celebrated by Peugeot, which has lost 3 points in the image index to 64 points. For 15% of the French, the image of Peugeot is very good and for 65% it is fairly good. Citroën is ahead of Renault, which has improved by 3 points on this barometer and is now in 7th place, but with an image index of 55 points, it is still far behind Citroën and Peugeot.

In conclusion, this latest Posternak barometer shows how much the French are attached to the Citroën brand, which remains as popular as ever. With an increase of 1 point, Citroën kills two birds with one stone, entering the top 5 of favourite brands and consolidating its second place as a car brand. There is no doubt that the forthcoming launches, including that of the C3 expected in June, should have a positive impact on the next barometer, especially as the next few months will be full of news. This bodes well for Citroën, which we hope will be able to regain its place as the French people's favourite car brand in the coming months.


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